Mini crib vs Crib – Which is Better?

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There is no doubt that mini crib vs crib rivalry never stops. Some prefer the traditional ones but the latest generation of parenting suggests that mini cribs must be used.

Mini cribs do have tinier sizes compared to its counterpart. Well, it is perfect for houses that are limited in terms of space. You’ll surely never worry any more of having a nice, secure, and comfy space for your baby with the use of mini cribs.

Although, there is no doubt that the traditional cribs will give plenty of space for your little one. This is why mini crib vs crib debate never ends. But for sure depending on your preferences and situation each one of them will be useful. So, there is no doubt that if you are a frequent traveler that wants to bring your baby all the time, or just have a limited-space at home then mini cribs are the way to go.

Let’s provide more details on mini cribs so that you’ll know what’s in store for you if you would purchase one.

Mini Crib – Pros & Cons

Right now, we will discuss the pros and cons of a mini crib. In this way, you’ll have an idea if it will fit just right for your needs and preferences.

  • Mini cribs cost less compared to the standard-sized cribs
  • They can fit even on the tightest spaces
  • You can bring them outdoors as they are super portable
  • There are convertible mini cribs that can transform into bigger ones
  • A lot of mini crib sheets are available all over the internet and physical store at very affordable price
  • Since they are considered cribs that are just smaller in size, expect that the movement of your child may be limited.
  • Kids can outgrow the mini crib fast


Full Size Crib or Mini Crib – Get all your questions answered

You may have lots of questions on whether to choose a full size crib or a mini crib. We will try to answer most of your questions in this section, so let’s dive in.

Is it safe to use mini cribs for newborns?

 The big question that most parents were asking is that “are mini cribs safe for newborns?” Well, the answer to this question is pretty debatable. It depends on the quality and the materials used to build the mini crib. Although most mini cribs are very sturdy as they are engineered to last long,

Also, the mini crib mattress is very comfortable because they are denser. This makes your baby enjoy the safe sleeping option.

 What are the safest baby cribs?

Many are asking this question but the answer varies from person to person especially to the ones that already experience a particular brand. says that Ikea Mini Cribs and Babyletto Mini Crib as the safest of their kind.

Both brands are considered fine and the best in the industry. It just comes on how you look at things as we all have different standards. Mini cribs must have a steady frame and foundation that will give you a peace of mind that your baby is in good hands.

How long does a mini crib last?

The same as standard-sized cribs, a mini crib will not breakdown easily as long as you use it properly. There are several factors to keep in mind when using it. Let us try to enumerate the dos to ensure that your mini crib will not deteriorate easily.

  • The mini crib must be properly and evenly-placed on the ground
  • You must assemble it the right way
  • Dismantling before use is essential as you do not want its moving parts to experience extreme pressure

Those are the standard usage procedure that you must take note of when using mini cribs. This will ensure that your mini crib will not experience problems which are essential because the safety of your child is at stake.

Is mini crib bigger than a pack n play?

It primarily depends although a pack n play is usually bigger because it is built not only for sleeping time but for recreational activities as well such as playing. If you are very particular with space and just need the basic functionalities for your baby then a mini crib is the way to go.

Although pack n plays or bassinets are getting popular because babies can do a lot of things on it such as eating and playing, mini cribs are still winning. Since most parents love mini cribs because their primary reason for owning it is they want a usable crib where their baby can take his/her rest after the long travel hours.

The choice still depends on the parents on what they prefer and their purpose of buying. If they want their baby to have a good night’s sleep then mini cribs are the primary option. This is because mini crib bedding is suppler and soft making our babies get the best feeling resulting in better sleep.

What can I use instead of a crib?

There are lots of ways for you to create an improvised crib. It will allow your kid to have a comfortable way of resting while you are traveling. Some do their cribs by using recycled objects such as very sturdy cloth and airbed. They just inflate it then put the cloth at the top of the airbed for their baby to lie down on. It is a popular alternative for people who do not have the resources to avail of a mini crib for the meantime.

Since airbeds can be deflated when you are traveling, it will not consume that much space. You can fit it inside your car or even when you are commuting. But always ensure that you will put it on a smooth surface and also you must check that there are no sharp objects before you set it up. This will ensure that your child is completely safe from any accidents.

 Why choose mini cribs?

Mini cribs are the best cribs in the sense that they provide maximum comfort and have space-saving capabilities. The good thing about them is they are affordable as well since they do not take up too many materials when making them.

There is also a huge supply that goes along with the current demand that it has. So you can always buy anytime you want when necessary.

For you to be convinced that mini cribs are the next big thing, let us try to list down the benefits of mini cribs.

  • They are foldable and can fit on limited-spaces
  • It is known that they possess extreme stability
  • They are easy to set up as it has no complexities that is why it is perfect as an on the go crib
  • Cleaning it will not give you any difficulties because it does not have hard to reach areas
  • Since they are handy you can bring it anywhere you go

Mini cribs are an essential part of modern parenting as we tend to go from one place to another. Because of them, we can now bring our babies more often if we want to have a vacation.

Tips in Choosing your Ideal Crib

Tips for chosing mini crib

In choosing mini cribs, you have to consider several factors. This will make sure that your child will achieve maximum comfort thus resulting in better sleep. To find the best mini crib for your baby, you can check out the following factors on the bulleted points below.

  • Check the design – if you are the type of person that is particular to designs, then you might want to have your preferred concept on the mini crib of your baby.
  • Know the size – as we all know mini cribs are portable but it does not mean that you do not have to know the size of the crib already. By knowing the size, it will let you know if it can carry your baby well with stability. Usually, mini cribs are 24 inches wide and have a length of 38 inches.
  • Know the materials – it will give you an idea if the mini crib will provide comfort and has enough durability to last long.
  • Pricing – you must have the idea if the price of the particular mini crib is suitable enough for your budget.
  • Warranty – check if it has a warranty because you might not know if you can find some issues with the crib.

 Do standard cribs have their advantages?

 You might think that we are biased because we are only discussing good things about mini cribs. How about the standard-sized cribs? Aside from having a bigger size, they have a couple of advantages that have been there since the start.

Let us try to enumerate their advantages below.

  • They are more spacious meaning your child will have more freedom to move
  • You can customize it according to your taste as it has more space where you can put your modifications
  • It has better stability because of its bigger foundations which leads to the proper placing of its feet of the ground
  • They can easily be repaired because their parts are easy to be found most especially the wooden ones

It has a disadvantage though as they are not portable because they are way too huge. You can only use them permanently in your house and you will not be able to bring it on your travels.

What’s the verdict?

Well, you have two choices, if you are a frequent traveler then you should go with the mini crib. Or if you stay at home most of the time then a standard size crib will do the job for you. Although you can always choose to have both as you can have a permanent crib that your baby can use and one for your travels.


  • Are mini cribs more durable than the standard-sized cribs?
    • It primarily depends on the built and the materials used in creating the mini crib. If it is crafted well and built with high-quality materials, mini cribs can last for a significant amount of time.
  • Are twins capable of fitting inside a mini crib?
    • It depends on the size of the mini crib. There are mini cribs that are bigger than the usual ones. In this case, newborn twins might fit just right inside them.
  • How do you clean a mini crib?
    • For wooden mini cribs, you can wipe it off with a clean dry cloth. On the other hand, if the crib is flexible and is made of fabric materials and a wired frame, you can use a wet cloth and dry it off afterward under the heat of the sun.
  • Are mini cribs safe to use?
    • Yes, just be sure that the mini crib that you will be buying is from a reliable brand. Also, take note of the particular crib is made of reliable materials.
  • Is it safe to buy a mini crib online?
    • Yes, just make sure that you are buying from a legit website. The shipping takes a few days depending on the location.


Now we have finished tackling a lot of useful information about mini cribs. You can have the idea of what is the best for your baby. It will give you a peace of mind that you’ll get the best value for your money. If you are a frequent traveler then go for a mini crib or if you want a permanent crib for your home then a standard-sized crib will do. However, if you have the resources having both will be a good idea as they can both serve their respective purposes.


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